Помогите пожалуйста!!!!

Choose the correct passive form
*один правильный ответ

were made

was made

were make
Choose the correct passive form
But pictures and films_____ at night
*один правильный ответ

will shown

are shown

were shown
Choose the correct form of Passive Voice.
The floor _____ _______ by the woman.
*один правильный ответ

was washed

are washes

is washen
5. Fill the gaps with the correct form of Passive Voice.
The letter _____ ____
(write) by Tom a day ago.

1. Fill the gaps with the correct form of Passive Voice.
The food _____ _____
(cook) by my grandma yesterday.


Ответ дал: jakiee67
1. were made
2. are shown
3. was washed
4. was written
5. was cooked
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