Сorrect any errors in these sentences.
1. Your reading glasses is by my bed.
2. There is one locking nut and four bolts for each wheel.
3. That’s a really good advice.
4. Can you explain why my best trousers has a hole in them?
5. The scissors in the sewing box needs sharpening.
6. This pair of binoculars have been in this drawer for as long as I can remember.
7. I can’t say that economics are the subject I’ve ever been very interested in.
8. There’re one potato and two onions in the recipe.
9. Where has those kitchen scales gone that we used to have?
10. An undiagnosed illness in his twenties has left him with virtually no hairs.

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb “to Be” (is/are).
1. The news I have received __good.
2. Where __the money?
3. Mathematics __ my poorest subject.
4. Our furniture __getting old.
5. Fish __not cheap today.
6. The sheep __ in the field.
7. Mumps __ a dangerous disease.
8. All my belongings __ in my bag.
9. The stairs __ very clean.
10. Physics __a compulsory subject at school.
11. Linguistics__ very interesting.
12. Billiards ___my favourite game.
13. His earnings__very modest.
14. The cattle on the farm _ taken good care of.
15. Police _chasing him.
16. Where__ your luggage?
17. _ there any evidence on the crime?
18. Good looks at the first job interview__very important.
19. Listen! The applause __ really very loud.
20. ___the accomodation here expensive?
21. Thirty euro__enough to eat dinner at a restaurant.
22. Fish and chips ___ a traditional British lunch.


Ответ дал: clavik7772104


Corrected sentences:

1. Your reading glasses are by my bed.

2. There is one locking nut and four bolts for each wheel.

3. That’s really good advice.

4. Can you explain why my best trousers have a hole in them?

5. The scissors in the sewing box need sharpening.

6. This pair of binoculars has been in this drawer for as long as I can remember.

7. I can’t say that economics is the subject I’ve ever been very interested in.

8. There's one potato and two onions in the recipe.

9. Where have those kitchen scales gone that we used to have?

10. An undiagnosed illness in his twenties has left him with virtually no hair.

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb “to be” (is/are):

1. The news I have received **is** good.

2. Where **is** the money?

3. Mathematics **is** my poorest subject.

4. Our furniture **is** getting old.

5. Fish **is** not cheap today.

6. The sheep **are** in the field.

7. Mumps **is** a dangerous disease.

8. All my belongings **are** in my bag.

9. The stairs **are** very clean.

10. Physics **is** a compulsory subject at school.

11. Linguistics **is** very interesting.

12. Billiards **is** my favourite game.

13. His earnings **are** very modest.

14. The cattle on the farm **are** taken good care of.

15. Police **are** chasing him.

16. Where **is** your luggage?

17. **Is** there any evidence of the crime?

18. Good looks at the first job interview **are** very important.

19. Listen! The applause **is** really very loud.

20. **Is** the accommodation here expensive?

21. Thirty euros **is** enough to eat dinner at a restaurant.

22. Fish and chips **are** a traditional British lunch.

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