Read the dialogue. Choose the correct answers. A: Hi, Lottie. Would you like to see photos of the Notting Hill Carnival? B: Oh yes, please. Is it a big carnival? How people take part in it? 2 people! Look, that's me, wearing A: 3 my traditional costume. B: Wow! It's colourful. Do you play in a band? A: Yes, I've got 4 really nice photos of the band - look. B: It must be great fun to play in front of all those people. A: Yes, but it's also a bit stressfull. We had very time to practise this year, so I was 5 a bit nervous. B: Did you make 6 A: Actually, we made very was really pleased. mistakes on the day? mistakes - I was really pleased ​


Ответ дал: eivastyle



1 - our

2 - can

3 - a lot of

4 - some

5 - a lot of

6 - some

7 - much

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