Replace the infinitive in brackets by the Present Simple. Then change these sentences into questions and negative. 1. We (to gather) mushrooms in summer.. 3. She (to do) her homework. She always (to do) her homework in the evening. 4. The students (to write) compositions once a month​


Ответ дал: Staskorzh



1. We gather mushrooms in summer.

2. She does her homework. She always does her homework in the evening.

3. The students write compositions once a month.


1. Do we gather mushrooms in summer?

2. Does she do her homework? Does she always do her homework in the evening?

3. Do the students write compositions once a month?


1. We don't gather mushrooms in summer.

2. She doesn't do her homework. She doesn't always do her homework in the evening.

3. The students don't write compositions once a month.


дай будь ласка кращу відповідь буду вдячний:)

Ответ дал: kamitunder


We gather mushrooms in summer.

 Question: Do we gather mushrooms in summer?

 Negative: We do not gather mushrooms in summer.

She does her homework. She always does her homework in the     evening.

 Question: Does she do her homework? Does she always do her   homework in the evening?

 Negative: She does not do her homework. She does not always do her         homework in the evening.

The students write compositions once a month.

 Question: Do the students write compositions once a month?

 Negative: The students do not write compositions once a month.

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