Complete the phrases with one word only.
1)Hello, I'd _____a coffee, please.
2)_____you like a cappuccino?
3) Anything____
4)_____ I have one of those, please?5)Eat____ or takeaway
6)_____'s £3.95, please
7) What___you like?
8)Small,___or large?
9)____ you
11)How much is____?
12)Keep the____ ​


Ответ дал: ytxtu0


1) Hello, I'd like a coffee, please.

2) Would you like a cappuccino?

3) Anything else.

4) Can I have one of those, please?

5) Eat in or takeaway.

6) That's £3.95, please.

7) What would you like?

8) Small, medium, or large?

9) Thank you.

10) You're welcome.

11) How much is this?

12) Keep the change.

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