1 Read the example sentences about the article and use them to complete the rule. 1 Most people thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was brilliant. However, there were people who disagreed. 2 Despite its popularity, many people didn't know where the idea had come from. 3 Pete Frates found the time to raise money for charity in spite of being quite ill. 4 Although he was challenged, Barack Obama decided not to pour water over his head. I didn't do the challenge even though four of my friends nominated me. 5 6 Many people did the challenge without donating. Nevertheless, the charity still made a lot of money.​


Ответ дал: Seenswwwwwww



Use "although," "even though," "despite," or "in spite of" to show contrast or opposition in a sentence.


1. Most people thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was brilliant. **However,** there were people who disagreed.

2. **Despite** its popularity, many people didn't know where the idea had come from.

3. Pete Frates found the time to raise money for charity **in spite of** being quite ill.

4. **Although** he was challenged, Barack Obama decided not to pour water over his head. I didn't do the challenge **even though** four of my friends nominated me.

5. Many people did the challenge **without** donating. **Nevertheless,** the charity still made a lot of money.

aikjkkqnkzozm: это правильно?
sagimbaevav: это правильно
sagimbaevav: ??
sagimbaevav: скажиие быстрее
mmadiko75: просто подправила и всё? не вижу ответа
bobosik: ответ будет 1. Despite and in spite of….2. Although and even though…. 3. However and nevertheless….
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