Read the statement and click True, False or Not Given. Text Alfred Nobel lived in Sweden. The prize is given only to one person. Greta Thunberg was a teenager when her first protest was taken.​


Ответ дал: amirahakimova19


1. **Alfred Nobel lived in Sweden.**

- **True:** Alfred Nobel was indeed a Swedish chemist, engineer, and inventor. So, the statement is true.

2. **The prize is given only to one person.**

- **false* The statement does not provide enough information about which prize it is referring to. If it's the Nobel Prizes established by Alfred Nobel, some are awarded to individuals, while others may be given to organizations. Without additional context, it cannot be determined.

3. **Greta Thunberg was a teenager when her first protest was taken.**

- **True:** Greta Thunberg was a teenager when she started her Fridays for Future school strike for climate change. So, the statement is true.

To summarize:

- Statement 1: True

- Statement 2: false

- Statement 3: True

maksat011020: не правильно. будет folse, folse, true!
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