sk 3. Complete the sentences with will, be going to or the present continuous form of the verb in brackets. 6.I think that people__________(to live) on the Moon by 2050. 7.Peter is not studying hard enough. He ________(to fail) his exams. 8.”The phone is ringing.” –Oh, don’t worry, I ________(to answer) 9.The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It _________(to be) a nice day. 10.I hope robots ______________(to do) the housework in the future.


Ответ дал: lofty2880


6. I think that people will be living on the Moon by 2050.

7. Peter is not studying hard enough. He is going to fail his exams.

8. ”The phone is ringing.” – Oh, don’t worry, I will answer.

9. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It is going to be a nice day.

10. I hope robots will do the housework in the future.

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