Написати лист про дім Ані та її спосіб життя.У вас повинно бути 2 абзаці, використовуйте Present Simple та з'єднувальні слова


Ответ дал: ultramuz13



Dear Ani,

I hope that this letter knows you in a good way. You always amaze me with your varied and interesting activities. Living in your own home, you have created an atmospheric nest that always welcomes guests with warmth and comfort.

Your lifestyle is impressive with its regularity. You always wake up early in the morning and start the day with a healthy breakfast, the obligatory yoga and a short walk around your beautiful garden. Your ability to harmoniously combine work and rest is impressive, and your home is always filled with positive energy.

You know how to inspire and make every day special. Your passion for art, cooking and travel add a unique flavor to your home. I hope that soon I will have the opportunity to visit you and personally enjoy this atmosphere of happy life that you have created.

Best regards,

[Your name]

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