7. Where did Miss Madoc get the will out of?

a) a folder

b) an envelope

c) a bag
8. Why was Miss Madoc angry?

a) People cried at her

b) Boys did not identify themselves

c) Girls did not identify themselves
9. How did the twins fight? a) by kicking each other b) by beating each other c) by tearing each other's hair
10. How long had the twins been arguing?

a) more than three hours

b) more than two hours

c) more than one hour
11. What did Miss Madoc read in the third part of the will?

a) "I leave all my money to working people in the house"

b) "I leave all my money to Miss Madoc"

c) "I leave all my money to the doctors"
12. What was in reality?

a) Mr. Conran never made a will

b) Mr. Conran did not die

c) Two daughters and the lawyer got equal parts of money

true and false


Ответ дал: vladgafich

Ответ: 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.a 11.c 12.a


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