Writing Task2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past continuous. 1.All the students... (clean) the class. - 2.Aliya ... (travel) around Africa at that time. - 3.It... (snow) all day in Astana last Monday. - 4.They... (fly) to Thailand at 6 o'clock. - 5.We ... (have) an English lesson at 9 o'clock yesterday. -​


Ответ дал: novvada25


1. All the students were cleaning the class.

2. Aliya was traveling around Africa at that time.

3. It was snowing all day in Astana last Monday.

4. They were flying to Thailand at 6 o'clock.

5. We were having an English lesson at 9 o'clock yesterday.

Ответ дал: borisenkoanna974


All the students were cleaning the class.

Aliya was traveling around Africa at that time.

It was snowing all day in Astana last Monday.

They were flying to Thailand at 6 o'clock.

We were having an English lesson at 9 o'clock yesterday.


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