Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense (will + infinitive or will be + verb + ing). 1. You look hungry; I (make) you a sandwich. 2. I can't have lunch at 2:00 because I (have) an operation at that time. 3. I can buy some food for you if you want. 1 (shop) in the afternoon anyway. 4. A: Did you remember to invite Mrs. Oates? B: Oh, no! I forgot. But I (call) her right now. 5. Hurry up. You 10. I promise. are SO late! Everybody (work) when you arrive at the office. (move) house this time 6. We tomorrow. Do you think you could give us a hand? 7. You 8. 9. Don't phone her at (love) Ben's new house. (you /use) the car at the weekend? 7PM tomorrow night. She (have) dinner. (pay) you back next Friday, I​


Ответ дал: kucerovkirril


1. You look hungry; I **will make** you a sandwich.

2. I can't have lunch at 2:00 because I **will be having** an operation at that time.

3. I can buy some food for you if you want. I **will be shopping** in the afternoon anyway.

4. A: Did you remember to invite Mrs. Oates? B: Oh, no! I forgot. But I **will call** her right now.

5. Hurry up. You are SO late! Everybody **will be working** when you arrive at the office.

6. We **will be moving** house this time tomorrow. Do you think you could give us a hand?

7. You **will love** Ben's new house.

8. **Will you be using** the car at the weekend?

9. Don't phone her at 7 PM tomorrow night. She **will be having** dinner.

10. I **will pay** you back next Friday.

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