★★ Complete the past simple questions and short answers. Use did / didn't and the words in the box. go eat break do buy write watch a good film on TV last night? No, I didn't 1 2 3 4 5 Did you 6 on Saturday? Yes, she she. homework No, I he computer game last week? No, he. Yes, they. watch -you last night? they. we say 'thank you'? Yes, we she record yesterday? No, she to the cinema a new a lot of a lot of cake? a letter and the world​



Ответ дал: almirabaimet


1.Did she go to the cinema on Saturday?

Yes, she did.

2.Did he buy a new computer game last week?

No, he didn't.

3.Did you write a lot of homework last night?

No, I didn't.

4.Did they eat a lot of cake?

Yes, they did.

5.Did we break a letter and say 'thank you'?

Yes, we did.

6.Did she do the world record yesterday?

No, she didn't.


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