Complete the sentences with the words career, job, occupation, education, industry, profession.

1) I was looking for an … which was enjoyable and that required travelling and meeting new people.

2) She began her … as an office manager, but now she is a director of a big department.

3) He’s a lawyer by …, however, at present he works for a branding agency.

4) When she graduated from university, she got a … as a manager in a small building company.

5) In our country the electronic … suffers from insufficient investment in research.

6) A university … is often the best way to get a good job at an early age.


Ответ дал: xsiomimi4

1) I was looking for an occupation which was enjoyable and that required traveling and meeting new people.

2) She began her career as an office manager, but now she is a director of a big department.

3) He’s a lawyer by profession, however, at present, he works for a branding agency.

4) When she graduated from university, she got a job as a manager in a small building company.

5) In our country, the electronic industry suffers from insufficient investment in research.

6) A university education is often the best way to get a good **job** at an early age.

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