2.Use the correct tense form (Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple):
1.I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.
2. Paul __________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
3. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 8:45
4. - I can’t find my pen.
Don’t worry. I __________ (to give) you mine.
5. I __________ (to come) to your party. I promise


Ответ дал: vr4hfh6zzn


1. I don’t think you will have any problems when you land in Boston.

2. Paul is flying to London on Monday morning.

3. The English lesson starts at 8:45.

4. - I can’t find my pen. Don’t worry. I will give you mine.

5. I will come to your party. I promise.

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