Complete the interview with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in the box. Use one word in each gap. break make -de ever / be never / be travel Lynn Clarke, Documentary Maker Lynn Clarke makes documentaries about wild animals. Last week she spoke to us about her job.


Ответ дал: hahtervot


Lynn Clarke, Documentary Maker

Lynn Clarke has **traveled** to many exotic locations in her career. She **has made** documentaries about wild animals for several years. When asked about the most challenging situation she **has ever faced**, she revealed that she **has never broken** her camera during filming.

"I've been fortunate to witness incredible moments in nature," Lynn shared. "I've **never been** so close to such majestic creatures before. Every expedition **has been** a unique experience."

Lynn also emphasized the importance of conservation in her work. She mentioned that she **has traveled** to remote areas where human impact **has been** minimal. "Preserving these habitats is crucial for the survival of these species," she said.

In conclusion, Lynn Clarke's career **has been** marked by exciting travels and remarkable encounters with wildlife. She remains dedicated to using her documentaries to raise awareness about the beauty of nature and the need for its protection.

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