10. Fill in the blanks with "will", "does", "did".
1. ... it usually take you three days to prepare for exams?
2. ... it take Carol an hour to play bas- ketball with her friends after school Swor tomorrow?
3. ... it take your father two hours to finish his work next week?
4... it sometimes take Tony twenty min- utes to do his homework?
5.... it take your guests an hour to get to the centre of the city tomorrow?
6. ... it take him a quarter of an hour to get home from work yesterday evening?
7. ... it take Martin several hours to help Lorry with Physics last week?
8. ... it always take her five minutes to get to the bus-stop? ​


Ответ дал: marabena12


1. Does it usually take you three days to prepare for exams?

2. Will it take Carol an hour to play basketball with her friends after school tomorrow?

3. Will it take your father two hours to finish his work next week?

4. Does it sometimes take Tony twenty minutes to do his homework?

5. Will it take your guests an hour to get to the center of the city tomorrow?

6. Did it take him a quarter of an hour to get home from work yesterday evening?

7. Did it take Martin several hours to help Lorry with Physics last week?

8. Does it always take her five minutes to get to the bus-stop?


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