1. Tell me about your friend (their appearance, clothes, hobbies) 2. Tell me about your last traveling (Where did you go? What transport did you get to? What did you do during your traveling?) 3. Tell me a story about an accident. (What happened? How do you feel?) 4. Describe your neighborhood. (Don't forget where shops and different facilities are located)
10 - 12 речень. тут 4 темы и на них надо 4 текста


Ответ дал: marabena12


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1. My friend is a vibrant individual with a distinctive appearance. They have expressive eyes, a warm smile, and a casual yet stylish fashion sense. In terms of hobbies, they are passionate about photography, often capturing moments that others might overlook.

2. During my last travel adventure, I explored the picturesque city of Prague. I took a flight to get there and then relied on the efficient local public transport. The days were filled with visits to historical landmarks like Prague Castle and Charles Bridge, and evenings were spent savoring local cuisine in charming restaurants.

3. Once, I had an unexpected encounter on a hiking trip. While navigating a narrow trail, I slipped and twisted my ankle. Fortunately, fellow hikers came to my aid, and we managed to get help. Despite the initial shock, the incident highlighted the kindness of strangers and left me with a lasting appreciation for the importance of community.

4. My neighborhood is a lively mix of residential and commercial spaces. There are cozy cafes and grocery stores conveniently scattered around. The local park provides a serene escape, and the neighborhood's friendly atmosphere is enhanced by communal events organized by residents. The schools and healthcare facilities nearby contribute to the overall well-being of the community.

Аноним: спасибо.хорошо но нам сказали 10 -12 реч.
marabena12: баля..
Аноним: да
Аноним: это ужас просто
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