2. Choose the correct answer

1. Where are the Niagara Falls situated?

a) in the USA;

b) in Canada;

c) both in the USA and in Canada.

2. What kind of place is the Niagara Falls?

a) exciting:

b) old;

c) unattractive.

3. How high is the cliff over which the Niagara waters fall?

a) 80 feet high;

b) 190 feet high;

c) 90 feet high.

4. What power do the Niagara falls have?

a) They move and throw big rocks.

b) The power of the Niagara Falls is not great.

c) The noise of the Falls can be heard for 40 km.

5. How much water falls from the Niagara cliff every five minutes?

a) a hundred tons;

b) a thousand tons;

c) a million tons.

6. river? What happened to an old ship that was put into the water in the middle of the

a) It sailed down safely.

b) It dropped into the water and never appeared again.

c) It crashed before reaching the falls.

7. What did some people do to become famous?

a) jumped into the Niagara Falls;

b) sailed over the falls in a ship;

c) swam across the Niagara River.

8. Why was a crowd of people standing near the falls one day?

a) They wanted to see the wonderful sight of the falls.

b) They watched an unknown ship crossing the Niagara River.

c) There was a man who wanted to swim across the falls.​


Ответ дал: gggg4421hhh

1. c) both in the USA and in Canada.
2. a) exciting.
3. b) 190 feet high.
4. c) The noise of the Falls can be heard for 40 km.
5. b) a thousand tons.
6. c) It crashed before reaching the falls.
7. a) jumped into the Niagara Falls.
8. b) They watched an unknown ship crossing the Niagara River.
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