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Ответ дал: solomonukangelina68
Once, during a spontaneous road trip with friends, we found ourselves in a quirky, roadside diner in the middle of nowhere. It was a balmy summer evening, and we were all wearing our comfiest road trip attire. As we perused the menu filled with eccentric dishes, a friendly waitress sporting a retro poodle skirt and a beehive hairdo approached.

Curiosity got the best of us, and we decided to try the "Mystery Milkshake" listed on the menu. The waitress, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later, she returned with a vibrant, neon-green milkshake adorned with sparklers. The whole diner erupted into laughter as we cautiously sipped our mysterious concoctions.

Turns out, the "Mystery Milkshake" was a concoction of unconventional flavors, leaving us guessing what exactly we were tasting. It became a hilarious and unexpected highlight of our road trip, turning a simple pitstop into a memory we still laugh about to this day.
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