READING Read the text and complete the sentences. My name's Tony and I've got two brothers, Mark and Peter. Our favourite day of the week is Saturday We all get up at about eleven o'clock and have breakfast. Then Mark and Peter play computer games and I watch TV. At about one o'clock, we go to the park near our house. We always take our dog. Butch, with us. He loves the park. Peter and I ride our bikes there and Mark plays with Butch. After that, we all go home and have lunch. In the evening I often play football in the street with my friends. My brothers sometimes play with us. I like football but Mark and Peter love basketball. 1. On Saturday, after breakfast, Mark and Peter 2. The three boys go to the park with 3. Tony and Peter 4. Tony's favourite sport is In the park. LIVEWORK​


Ответ дал: 3885573
1. On Saturday, after breakfast, Mark and Peter play computer games.
2. The three boys go to the park with their dog, Butch.
3. Tony and Peter ride their bikes to the park.
4. Tony's favourite sport is football.
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