помогите пожалуйста эссе на тему мое любимое кино
(120-180) слов на английском

пожалуйста дам 30 баллов!!!!! не скам​



Ответ дал: tolepbergenuldana794



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My Favorite Movie / Мой любимый фильм. Текст на английском языке с переводом и аудио. Сочинение на английском про любимый фильм

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любимый фильм текст на английском языке

Читайте также: Мои книги для изучающих английский

Рассказать о фильме на английском языке — это типичное задание, тема для сочинения. Также «My Favorite Movie» («Мой любимый фильм») — это один из популярных топиков, одна из популярных тем на уроках английского. На этой странице представлен вариант сочинения, текста английском на тему «Мой любимый фильм». Текст дается с переводом и аудио. Для примера мы рассказываем о фильме «Гарри Поттер и философский камень».

Как рассказать о фильме на английском?

План сочинения будет простым:

Расскажите, какие фильмы вы предпочитаете, какой жанр. Уточните, что такой-то фильм является любимым.

Основная часть: расскажите о чем этот фильм. Где и когда происходит действие (современная Англия или Древний Рим, а может другая планета в будущем). Кто главные герои, в чем суть истории в двух словах. К примеру: «Гарри Поттер» — это фильм о мальчике, которого пригласили обучаться волшебству в Хогвартс, где он нашел друзей и пережил разные приключения.

Можно рассказать, чем именно понравился или даже не понравился фильм (даже любимый фильм не обязан быть идеальным).

Завершить рассказ можно стандартной фразой о том, что вы этот фильм всем горячо рекомендуете.

Вам также могут понадобиться слова на тему «Кино».

My Favorite Movie / Мой любимый фильм. Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это сочинение на английском о любимом фильме плюс аудио. Вариант “текст + перевод” вы найдете ниже.

Читайте также: 3000 основных английских слов + все времена глагола.








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I like movies very much, especially fantasy. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The movie came out in 2001, but it is still very good. Of course, I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, but the first one is special for me.

The movie is set in modern England and in a fictional place called Hogwarts. The story is a mixture of real-life drama and fantasy. The main character of the movie is a ten-year-old orphan Harry. His parents died when he was a baby, and now he lives with his foster parents and his stepbrother who do not like him. Although Harry has a family, he is a very lonely boy.

What I like about this movie is how drastically Harry’s life changed one day. On his eleventh birthday he was invited to study at Hogwarts, the magic school that, as it turned out, his parents had attended. He started learning how to use magic and fly on a broomstick. He found good friends and a new home. At the beginning of the movie, Harry is just an ordinary boy. At the end of the movie, he is a hero and one of the most promising young wizards in Hogwarts.

In the following movies, Harry’s story continues, but I like the first one the most. For me, it is not just a story about magic, wands, spells, it is a story about ordinary people and friendship. Yes, Harry, Ron, and Hermione can cast spells, but do not seem to be some sort of mysterious creatures. For us, they are just normal people

Ответ дал: kunnazarovanurzada7



I like movies very much, especially fantasy. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The movie came out in 2001, but it is still very good. Of course, I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, but the first one is special for me.

The movie is set in modern England and in a fictional place called Hogwarts. The story is a mixture of real-life drama and fantasy. The main character of the movie is a ten-year-old orphan Harry. His parents died when he was a baby, and now he lives with his foster parents and his stepbrother who do not like him. Although Harry has a family, he is a very lonely boy.

What I like about this movie is how drastically Harry’s life changed one day. On his eleventh birthday he was invited to study at Hogwarts, the magic school that, as it turned out, his parents had attended. He started learning how to use magic and fly on a broomstick. He found good friends and a new home. At the beginning of the movie, Harry is just an ordinary boy. At the end of the movie, he is a hero and one of the most promising young wizards in Hogwarts.

In the following movies, Harry’s story continues, but I like the first one the most. For me, it is not just a story about magic, wands, spells, it is a story about ordinary people and friendship. Yes, Harry, Ron, and Hermione can cast spells, but do not seem to be some sort of mysterious creatures. For us, they are just normal people. They speak and act like any kids of their age. I like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because it is the beginning of their story. The storylines of the main characters develop as they grow up in the other movies, but it is so nice to see them at the beginning of their journey.

In case you have not seen this movie, I would strongly recommend watching it, as well as the other Harry Potter movies.

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