вставте a little or a few

1. He has plans.

2. She has got milk.

3. He drank whisky.

4. Andrew has friends.

5. We saw restaurant people at the

6. I bought newspapers.

7. There is petrol in his car.

8. There are bottles on the table.

9. There are hotels in this town.

10. I want to eat bread.

11. Have you got magazines at home?

12. Put cooking oil in the pan.

13. Sindy has only flowers.

14. There are quite in the field. buffaloes

15. There is only refrigerator. food in the


Ответ дал: erfwww

1. He has a few plans.

2. She has a little milk.

3. He drank a little whisky.

4. Andrew has a few friends.

5. We saw a few people at the restaurant.

6. I bought a few newspapers.

7. There is a little petrol in his car.

8. There are a few bottles on the table.

9. There are a few hotels in this town.

10. I want to eat a little bread.

11. Have you got a few magazines at home?

12. Put a little cooking oil in the pan.

13. Sindy has only a few flowers.

14. There are quite a few buffaloes in the field.

15. There is only a little food in the refrigerator.

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