2. What are the pupils ready to talk about again and again?
b)about the school year;
a)about summer holidays?
c) about school subjects;
d) about new friends.
3. What do all the pupils ask each other about?
a)about the sea;
b) about the holidays;
d)about favourite books.
c) about traditions;
4. What do the children have after the holidays?
a)new clothes;
b) new books;
c) new friends;
d)new flowers.
5. Where do some pupils stay during the school holidays?
a)at home;
b) in town;
c) in the village;
d) at school.
6. What do the pupils always say about the holidays?
a)that they last too long;
b)that they are going too quickly;
c) that they don't want to go to school;
d)that their holidays were bad.
7б. Заповніть пропуски вибравши правильну відповідь:
1. On the first day of school there is much talk...
a)about the birthday party;
b)about the weather;
c) about the school holidays.
2. You can tell about your...
a)new friends;
b) new shoes;
c) new holidays;
d) new books.
3. Almost every boy or girl has a new friend from...
a)another village;
b) another camp;
c) another class (form);
d) another school.
4. Some pupils stay... during the school holidays.
a)at school;
b) at home;
c) at the camp;
d) in the village.



Ответ дал: lostflxght


What are the pupils ready to talk about again and again?

a) about summer holidays?

What do all the pupils ask each other about?

b) about the holidays;

What do the children have after the holidays?

d) new flowers.

Where do some pupils stay during the school holidays?

c) in the village;

What do the pupils always say about the holidays?

b) that they are going too quickly;

On the first day of school, there is much talk...

c) about the school holidays.

You can tell about your...

a) new friends;

Almost every boy or girl has a new friend from...

c) another class (form);

Some pupils stay... during the school holidays.

a) at school.

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