TASK 3* Complete the text. Use the information in the box to help you. I speak in public to support children with disabilities. 1 strengthened my body by doing sport and exercise. My middle name is Frank. I acted in the TV show Breaking Bad. My sister is younger than me. I was born in 1992 in the United States of America. My life I was born on 21 August 1992 in Lafayette, Louisiana in My full name is Roy 2 Mitte but my nickname is RJ. have cerebral palsy and hen I was a child I needed elp to walk. But through I strengthened body, and now I can walk without any help. My work I'm an actor and people know me best for my role in the TV series I do other things as well as acting. I often speak in public to help people understand disabilities and support 5 My family In 2006 I moved to Los Angeles. California with my mother and sister. My sister 6 is an actress, tool People​


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