ПОЖАЛУСЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ НАМ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1 A: How much does it cost to join the gym? B: It’s £50 a month but if you ................... (bring) a friend they give you a discount.
2 A: I wish the coach ......................... (not/ make) us have basketball practice every day. It’s exhausting.
B: Maybe you should talk to him about this.
3 A: What activity ......................... (you/ take up) if you wanted to become fitter?
B: Aerial yoga, I think. It looks fun.
4 A: I’m starting Zumba classes on Monday. B: If only I ......................... (have) more
free time! I’d love to do Zumba too.
5 A: If you’re keen on joining our football team, I ......................... (ask) the coach if we’re looking for new players.
B: Really? That would be great, thanks!



Ответ дал: arsenospanov51


бебе иван золо умный гыгы 10+0,07 пукикаки


1. A: How much does it cost to join the gym? B: It’s £50 a month but if you **bring** a friend they give you a discount.

2. A: I wish the coach **didn't make** us have basketball practice every day. It’s exhausting. B: Maybe you should talk to him about this.

3. A: What activity **would you take up** if you wanted to become fitter? B: Aerial yoga, I think. It looks fun.

4. A: I’m starting Zumba classes on Monday. B: If only I **had** more free time! I’d love to do Zumba too.

5. A: If you’re keen on joining our football team, I **will ask** the coach if we’re looking for new players. B: Really? That would be great, thanks!

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