Choose the correct option a. The boy is playing basketball. a. The boy is writing a letter. b. The boy is going to play basketball. a. She is running. a. The boy is sleeping. a. He is taking a bath.. a. They are crossing the street. b. They are going to cross the street.. a. They are washing the dishes. b. They are going to wash the dishes b. The boy is going to write a letter. b. She is going to run. a. They are going to dance. a. The boy is going to swim. b. He is going to take a bath. a. Billy is drinking. b. The boy is going to sleep. a. Ben is making a phone call. XIS b. They are dancing. a. They are riding a bicycle. b. They are going to ride a bicycle. b. The boy is swimming. b. Billy is going to drink. b. Ben is going to make a phone call.​



Ответ дал: aliaousa983

b, a, a, b, b, a, b, b, a, a, a, b


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