Complete the sentences. Use the present or
past simple passive form of the verbs.
1 The stories aren't true. They...were made up
(make up) by the writer.
The planet Pluto...... (not discover) until
In the 18th century, the castle.............. (guard)
by a hundred soldiers.
(not find) in Britain now.
5 Today, 50% of plane tickets.............. (book) on
the Internet.
6 .............(chase) by a dog on my way to school
this morning.
7 Mario's scooter............... (steal) yesterday.
8 My dad's car
(hit) by a lorry last night,
but he .............. (not hurt).
Module 2 Review


Ответ дал: Kulumochok


1. The stories aren't true. They were made up by the writer.

2. The planet Pluto was not discovered until 1930.

3. In the 18th century, the castle was guarded by a hundred soldiers.

4. Bears are not found in Britain now.

5. Today, 50% of plane tickets are booked on the Internet.

6. I was chased by a dog on my way to school this morning.

7. Mario's scooter was stolen yesterday.

8. My dad's car was hit by a lorry last night, but he was not hurt.

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