1. avoid – запобігати
2. considerably – значно
3. increase – підвищити
4. alternate – чергувати
5. overeat – переїдати
6. alcohol abuse – зловживання алкоголем
7. hardening – загартування
8. A sound mind in a sound body! –
9. В здоровому тілі – здоровий дух!
10. keep to the diet – притримуватися дієти

Fill in the sentences with words from the vocabulary. Choose the right grammatical form for the inserted words:

1. __________________ is especially dangerous for the growing organism.
2. ______________________________ stresses if you want to be healthy.
3. Do not ____________________________ in order not to put on weight.
4. Hardening __________ the ability of your organism to resist to diseases.
5. Physical exercises can make you _______________________ healthier.
6. It is better _______________ even if you have no problems with health.


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


1. **Overeating** is especially dangerous for the growing organism.

2. **Considerably** stresses if you want to be healthy.

3. Do not **overeat** in order not to put on weight.

4. **Increases** the ability of your organism to resist diseases.

5. Physical exercises can make you **considerably** healthier.

6. It is better **to avoid** even if you have no problems with health.

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