Ex.6. Put in the missing possessives. A:1. My father often plays tennis with ... neighbour. 2. Autumn has come. I like ...beauty. 3. Can you rely on ... parents? 4. I wash... hair every week. 5. Is this tape-recorder...? -No, they don't have a tape-recorder.6. I'd like to see if this pair of gloves is ...7. I've eaten all my sandwiches, can I have one of...? 8. Some women are not happy with...looks. 9. George has lost... pen. Ask Mary if she will give him ... 10. Sally and I like Maths. It's... favourite subject.11. There is a mouse under the table. I can see... tail. 12. Tell him not to forget ...book.​



Ответ дал: lostflxght


My father often plays tennis with our neighbor. 2. Autumn has come. I like its beauty. 3. Can you rely on your parents? 4. I wash my hair every week. 5. Is this tape-recorder yours? - No, they don't have a tape-recorder. 6. I'd like to see if this pair of gloves is mine. 7. I've eaten all my sandwiches, can I have one of yours? 8. Some women are not happy with their looks. 9. George has lost his pen. Ask Mary if she will give him hers. 10. Sally and I like Maths. It's our favorite subject. 11. There is a mouse under the table. I can see its tail. 12. Tell him not to forget his book.

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