Task 1
Перетворіть стверджувальні речення в питальні і заперечні.
1.She travelled to many different places.
2. He had a lot of friends.
3.They opened a shop in 2010.
4.We cleaned the flat.
5. She went to London last year.
6. I bought a nice present.
Task 2
Заповніть речення даними словами у правильній формі:
see, ride, take, come, have. buy, go, eat, stay, visit
Last spring Ann ________ on holiday to London with her parents and sister. They ___________to London in the morning and ____________at the nice hotel. They __________very tasty food. Ann ________________beautiful photos of London buildings and famous museums. In the evening they __________bikes or ______________cafes. Ann and her sister ___________ a lot of presents for their friends. They ________ a great time in London.
Task 3
Дайте відповіді на питання по тексту у завданні 2. Надавайте повні відповіді.
1.When did Ann go to London?
2.Who did she go with?
3.Did they arrive to London in the morning or in the evening?
4.What did Ann's family do in the evening?
5.What did they buy for their friends?
6.Was their holiday great?


Ответ дал: olegdio

**Task 1:**

**Transform into Questions:**

1. Did she travel to many different places?

2. Did he have a lot of friends?

3. Did they open a shop in 2010?

4. Did we clean the flat?

5. Did she go to London last year?

6. Did I buy a nice present?

**Transform into Negatives:**

1. She didn't travel to many different places.

2. He didn't have a lot of friends.

3. They didn't open a shop in 2010.

4. We didn't clean the flat.

5. She didn't go to London last year.

6. I didn't buy a nice present.

**Task 2:**

Last spring Ann **went** on holiday to London with her parents and sister. They **came** to London in the morning and **stayed** at the nice hotel. They **ate** very tasty food. Ann **took** beautiful photos of London buildings and famous museums. In the evening they **rode** bikes or **visited** cafes. Ann and her sister **bought** a lot of presents for their friends. They **had** a great time in London.

**Task 3:**

1. Ann went to London last spring.

2. She went with her parents and sister.

3. They arrived in London in the morning.

4. In the evening, Ann's family rode bikes or visited cafes.

5. They bought a lot of presents for their friends.

6. Yes, their holiday was great.

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