8. Bставьте местоиения Some, any, no somebody, anybody, нов неско. несколько ибудь кто-нибудь nobody, something, anything, nothing:
1. She wants
2. You never puts his tea.
3. I must find mething to tell him. sugar in
4. Some play football with. We didn't have for you to milk for our puppy so I went out to buy it.
5. Stop sitting there doing and help her. says
6. Sara seldom
7. He opened the door, but I could see 8. Let's have How about orange juice? 9. Remember not to tell about him. It is a secret.
10. Isn't there interesting to look at? to drink.
11. There is more at the door. I heard the doorbell ring.
12. No, thanks. I am not thirsty. I don't want
13. There is
14. in my soup. It is a fly. can speak all the languages in the world.
СРОЧНО пж!!!​



Ответ дал: uwuwrite


2. any


3. somebody

4. no

5. nothing

6. anything

7. nobody

8. something

9. anybody

10. no

11. anybody

12. nothing

13. something

14. Nobody

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