5 Work in small groups and discuss the questions. 1 Imagine you are going to see a play at the Globe in Shakespeare's time. Which part of the theatre would you like to be in? Why? 2 Now think about watching a play in a normal modern theatre. What differences are there? Is it better or worse? Ответи на вопросы коротко пожалуйста дам 30 баллов ​


Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


1. If I were going to see a play at the Globe in Shakespeare's time, I would like to be in the groundling area, standing right in front of the stage. This way, I would have a close-up view of the actors and be fully immersed in the lively atmosphere of the performance.

2. When watching a play in a normal modern theatre, there are several differences compared to the Globe. The seating is more comfortable, with assigned seats, and there may be better visibility due to raised stages and improved lighting and sound systems.


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