Imagine that you have been to China. Write down what traditions in communication with people they have (5-10 sentences). Use the vocabulary from the lesson and try to follow the next plan:
1. What do you think, are they a friendly nation?
2. What do they do when they meet each other? Bow/hug/kiss each other?
3. Do they help strangers?
4. Do they like inviting quests or visiting friends’ houses?
5. Would you like to learn more about their traditions in communication? Why?


Ответ дал: Аноним

China is friendly nation. People here are kind and good. When they meet each other they bow, because it's one of their traditions. Of course they help stranges, because most people there are kind. They also like to wisit friends' houses and inviting guests. Who doesn't like that?

China is very interesting country. Their language, traditions are interesting too. The country is very fantastic and beautiful that's why I want to learn more about their traditions and much more.


В завданні написано використовуввати те що ви навчились з уроку, але так як я не знаю що ви тоді вивчали я написала так як знаю.

Успіхів (:

Аноним: People there* are kind and good.
daryakrasotka2020: дякую, у вашій розповіді були слова з уроку
Аноним: Дуже рада що домомогла :D
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