55** Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. Calling all Year 12 students! What does the future hold for you? This time next year, you 1) (leave) school - but have you thought about your plans? 2) (you/apply) to (you/travel) university? 3) the world? The future seems far away, but it's getting closer every day! Five years from now, 4)__________ (you/sit) in front of a screen in a boring office, or (you/do) your dream 5)____ job? We're sure that each and every one of you 6) (succeed) but only if you have the tools to follow your dreams. - That's why, on Monday, we 7) (give) everyone in Year 12 a chance to join our Students of Success Workshop. The workshop 8)_________ (begin) at 9 am in the Main Hall and lasts all day. We know it 9) (teach) you the skills you need to succeed! So what are you waiting for? Invest in your future - invest in yourself!​


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


Calling all Year 12 students! What does the future hold for you? This time next year, you 1) will leave school - but have you thought about your plans? 2) Will you apply to (you/travel) university? 3) What about the world? The future seems far away, but it's getting closer every day! Five years from now, 4) will you be sitting in front of a screen in a boring office, or 5) will you be doing your dream job? We're sure that each and every one of you 6) will succeed, but only if you have the tools to follow your dreams. - That's why, on Monday, we 7) will give everyone in Year 12 a chance to join our Students of Success Workshop. The workshop 8) will begin at 9 am in the Main Hall and last all day. We know it 9) will teach you the skills you need to succeed! So what are you waiting for? Invest in your future - invest in yourself!

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