B. Complete the dialogue with the questions a-e. c. When was she born? a. So, what does your mother do? d. Is she famous? b. Who's that? e. Where's she from? Lyn Hey, nice picture. (1) Beth That's my mother, Rafaela. Lyn Rafaela? That's not a British name. (2) Beth Italy. Lyn She's really beautiful and she looks very young. (3) Beth In 1958. Lyn (4) Beth She's an actress but she used to be a singer. Lyn Wow! I didn't know that. (5) Beth Well, actually, she's famous in Italy but she's not famous in the UK.​


Ответ дал: olegdio

B. Complete the dialogue with the questions a-e.

Lyn: Hey, nice picture.

Beth: That's my mother, Rafaela.

Lyn: Rafaela? That's not a British name. (b. Who's that?)

Beth: Italy. (e. Where's she from?)

Lyn: She's really beautiful and she looks very young. (a. So, what does your mother do?)

Beth: She's an actress but she used to be a singer. (d. Is she famous?)

Lyn: Wow! I didn't know that. (c. When was she born?)

Beth: In 1958.

Lyn: Well, actually, she's famous in Italy but she's not famous in the UK.

Ответ дал: bravlartem14

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