6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past simple. Victoria and David Beckham 1 (have) very successful, but very different, careers. They first 2 (meet) in 1997, when David 3 (play) football for Manchester United. At that time, Victoria (be) a singer in the Spice Girls. David and Victoria 5 (get) married in 1999. Victoria and David 6. (have) four children. They (be) in the public eye since they 8(meet)


Ответ дал: firstkreox


  1. Victoria and David Beckham have had very successful but very different careers.
  2. They first met in 1997 when David was playing football for Manchester United.
  3. At that time, Victoria was a singer in the Spice Girls.
  4. David and Victoria got married in 1999.
  5. They have had four children. They have been in the public eye since they met in 1997.

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