пожалуйста помогите написать эссе
эссе про "спортивное мероприятие в школе" на английском нужно,минимум 50 слов меньше 50 слов не считается пожалуйста помогите
даю 50 баллов просто и так мало)) добрые люди помогите ​


Ответ дал: alenagalperina84
Last week our school held the biggest sport activity of the year - sporting contest between the best basketball teams of all schools in my city. That was the greatest sport event I have ever seen in my life, as there were so many basketball teams. The main prize was a money reward and a Gold Basketball Cup for the best team of the city. Unfortunately, our team doesn't win that prize, but I am not disappointed, because I had a chance to have a participate in such a great sports event in my home city. I know that my parents and classmates are proud of me.
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