1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. hanging out, isolate, caring, outgoing, skating, can't stand 1. Steve ... singing. Instead, he likes going bungee jumping. 2. Spending too much time with сgadgets can ... people from the real world. 3. Sandy is crazy about ... in winter and rollerblading in summer. 4. I am definitely an ... person - I hate spending time at home. 5. Jim's classmates are so ...! They always help him when he is in trouble. 6. Willy really enjoys ... with his friends in the park - it's so fun and cool! помогите пж дам 50 балов пж срочно нужно ​


Ответ дал: jise0325


1 can't stand

2 isolate

3 skating

4 outgoing

5 caring

6 hanging out

Ответ дал: roman09karpenko


1) can't stand

2) isolate

3) skating

4) outgoing

5) caring

6) hanging out


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