Writing 6 Complete the sentences with the active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. filmed 1 The TV crew (film) me switching (organise) by a local (explain) different ways to (ask) lots of questions about off lights in the house. 2 The meeting TV channel. 3 They save energy. 4 We different habits. (work out) how much 5 They energy we could save in a month. 6 All the videos week after the programme. (post) online the​


Ответ дал: AflDaniilKaz


1.The TV crew filmed me switching off lights in the house. They also organized by a local explaining different ways to ask lots of questions.

2.The meeting was filmed by the TV channel.

3.They save energy.

4.We worked out how much energy we could save in a month by different habits.

5.They posted all the videos online the week after the programme.

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