1.Оберіть вірну відповідь:
1. Helen ... this book last year. 2. We (to work) every day.
a. have a. work
b. had b. works
c. has c. shall work
3. I feel terrible. I think I______to school.
a) will b) go c) will not go d) will be not going
4. My sister learns French and she_____it very well.
a) does b) is doing c) do d) did
5. Sheila (not to get) passport next year.
a. did not b) does not c. won't d. shan't
6. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.
a) will have b) shall have c) am having d) would have
7.I (to watch) TV yesterday
a. watched b. watch c. shall watch d) watches
9. This juice______good.
a) is tasting b) has tasting c) tastes d) is being tasted
10. Ukraine ________ with Poland on the West.
a. borders b. is bording c. will border d. shall border
11. You cooked dinner yesterday. It …(taste) delicious.
a. is tasting b.tastes c.are tastes d.tasted
12. Usually the pupils (listen) to the teacher very attentively
a.listening b.are listening c.listen d.listened
13. He usually (go) to work on foot, but yesterday he (go) by bus.
a.is going/went b.goes/goes c.goes/went d.go/went
14. You (hear) the noise? The wind (blow) very strongly the whole day.
a. Do you hear/ is blowing b. Are you hearing/is blowing c. Do you hear/blows
2. Змініть наступні речення в Past Simple.
1. Does the doctor speak English?
2. We understand the rule.
3. My friend doesn't like such films.
4. In summer we pick berries and mushrooms.
5. They don't change trains there.
6. This worker repairs his car himself.
3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслово в Present or Past Simple Tense:
1.She (to spend) holidays in the country on weekends.
2.The journey (to take) him three hours last week.
3.I (to open) the door for you.
4.I (to go) to school yesterday?

5.They (to come) back last week?
6.We (to leave) Kyiv in the evening next Friday?
7.You (to wait) for me?
8.Nick (to finish) school this year?
9.She (to agree) with you?
10.I (not to swim) yesterday.
11.He (not to play) often in the garden.
4. Розуміння мови. Виберіть лише один варіант продовження речення, аби вся фраза мала
1. He has never been to Italy.
A)His name is Gordon Brown.
B)Really? As for me, I went to Rome last summer.
C)How happy he is!
2.He is the most handsome man I have ever seen.
A)May be. But my boy friend is more intelligent.
B)Sure he is. He is at home.
C)Our teacher is Mr. Seen.
3.I have learnt this poem by heart.
A)Enjoy your meals.
B)Oh, very good. Could we listen to it?
C)No problems.
4.I have already had lunch.
А) Let’s have lunch together.
B) I am sorry to hear that. What are you going to do now?
C) Have you? And I wanted to ask you to go to the restaurant together.
5.I haven’t ridden a bicycle since my childhood.
A)Don’t be afraid. You will remember how to do it.
B)You are very old.
C)That’s great!
5. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою, використовуючи часи групи Simple
1. Я погано плаваю. 2. Чого ви хочете? 3. Коли ви вчора лягли спати? 4. Він – англієць.
5. Викладач запитає нас завтра, а ми будемо відповідати. 6. Він навчав сестру співати
цілий рік.


Ответ дал: tkachenkokostia05



Helen b. had this book last year.

We a. work every day.

I feel terrible. I think I c. will not go to school.

My sister learns French and she b. is doing it very well.

Sheila c. won't get a passport next year.

I a. will have a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

I a. watched TV yesterday.

This juice c. tastes good.

Ukraine a. borders with Poland on the West.

You cooked dinner yesterday. It d. tasted delicious.

Usually, the pupils c. listen to the teacher very attentively.

He usually a. goes to work on foot, but yesterday he b. went by bus.

You a. hear the noise? The wind b. is blowing very strongly the whole day.

Змініть на Past Simple:

Did the doctor speak English?

We understood the rule.

My friend didn't like such films.

In summer, we picked berries and mushrooms.

They didn't change trains there.

This worker repaired his car himself.

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслово в Present or Past Simple Tense:

She (to spend) holidays in the country on weekends. (present)

She spends holidays in the country on weekends.

The journey (to take) him three hours last week. (past)

The journey took him three hours last week.

I (to open) the door for you. (past)

I opened the door for you.

I (to go) to school yesterday? (past)

Did I go to school yesterday?

They (to come) back last week? (past)

Did they come back last week?

We (to leave) Kyiv in the evening next Friday? (future)

Will we leave Kyiv in the evening next Friday?

You (to wait) for me? (present)

Are you waiting for me?

Nick (to finish) school this year? (future)

Will Nick finish school this year?

She (to agree) with you? (present)

Does she agree with you?

I (not to swim) yesterday. (past)

I did not swim yesterday.

He (not to play) often in the garden. (present)

He does not play often in the garden.

Розуміння мови:

He has never been to Italy.

B) Really? As for me, I went to Rome last summer.

He is the most handsome man I have ever seen.

A) May be. But my boyfriend is more intelligent.

I have learnt this poem by heart.

B) Oh, very good. Could we listen to it?

I have already had lunch.

A) Let’s have lunch together.

I haven’t ridden a bicycle since my childhood.

C) That’s great!

Перекладіть на англійську мову:

I swim poorly.

What do you want?

When did you go to bed yesterday?

He is English.

The teacher will ask us tomorrow, and we will answer.

He taught his sister to sing for a whole year.


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