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Ответ дал: nikaaa5625
6. If something costs you nothing, we say it's **free**.
Most PCs are **modern** machines, using sound, music, pictures, videos, etc.
We say something is **advanced** when it is at a higher or better level than normal.
The **main** idea in an essay is the most important one.
If you almost but not quite do something, you **nearly** do it.
We often use the word 'actually' to mean 'in fact'.

1. I don't believe it! She **first** passed her driving test afterwards.
Igor's just bought a new **ibook**, doesn't he?
He doesn't **really** have an advanced camera, does he?
First she went shopping, and **really**, she went for a coffee.
They do very **digital** research at that university.
I **actually** dropped my mobile in the bath, but I caught it just in time!

2. She **politely** asked him to leave her office.
There is a **possibility** that he will become the new manager.
I've read his book and find his **writing** flat and boring.
He was in the **middle** of phoning his friend when he lost the connection.
She's a very **creative** artist and uses all kinds of unusual material in her work.
I can't help you; I'm completely **useless** at computer programming.
He learned how to speak Chinese very **easily**.
I want a copy of this. Have you got a **printer**?
That TV programme had 10 million **viewers** when it was first shown.
He's had no **contact** with her since she left the country.
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