2.Write the correct form of the present perfect for each verb given in parentheses. If there is an adverb, it is included after the verb. 1. Mark (grow) ___________three inches in the last six months! 2. My dog (bury) _____________ many bones in the backyard. 3. Teresa and Anne (talk) _____________ to their landlord many times about the broken light fixture in their kitchen. 4. Unfortunately, he (fix, still, not) _____________it. 5. I (visit) ______________New York City many times. 6. Elizabeth (catch) _____________ three colds this winter. 7. Because of this, she (go, not) _____________skiing since December. 8. Tom (decide) ___________to join a health club. 9. Rita (write, not) ______________a letter to Paul since the beginning of the semester. 10. Paul wonders why Rita (answer, not) ________________his letters. 11. He thinks that she (forget) __________________him. 12. However, this is not true. She (be) _____________very busy studying and working, and she will write to him when she gets a chance.


Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


1. Mark has grown three inches in the last six months!

2. My dog has buried many bones in the backyard.

3. Teresa and Anne have talked to their landlord many times about the broken light fixture in their kitchen.

4. Unfortunately, he has still not fixed it.

5. I have visited New York City many times.

6. Elizabeth has caught three colds this winter.

7. Because of this, she has not gone skiing since December.

8. Tom has decided to join a health club.

9. Rita has not written a letter to Paul since the beginning of the semester.

10. Paul wonders why Rita has not answered his letters.

11. He thinks that she has forgotten him.

12. However, this is not true. She has been very busy studying and working, and she will write to him when she gets a chance.


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