4) You use a mobile phone during the lesson.

a) must

5) I... see a dentist. I have a terrible toothache.

a) should

b) may

c) may not

b) may

c) can't 6) The performance... be wonderful. Mademoiselle Ellene is a great actress..

a) can't

b) may not c) must

7) I'm absolutely sure! They... arrive on Monday, I saw their tickets.

a) might

8) It's so cold outside! It... be

b) may 20 degrees below zero!

c) must

b) might to Paris tomorrow. He doesn't c) mustn't have enough money.. 9) Are you joking? Will... go

a) can't

a) can't

b) shouldn't

c) must

10) It's a top secret. You... not tell anybody else.

a) can

b) shouldn't

c) may​

очень срочно, я вас прошу


Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


4) You must not use a mobile phone during the lesson.

5) I should see a dentist. I have a terrible toothache.

6) The performance may be wonderful. Mademoiselle Ellene is a great actress.

7) I'm absolutely sure! They must arrive on Monday, I saw their tickets.

8) It's so cold outside! It may be 20 degrees below zero!

9) Are you joking? He can't go to Paris tomorrow. He doesn't have enough money.

10) It's a top secret. You must not tell anybody else.


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