1. Поєднайти частини речень та вставте слова too або enough у другій частині речення.

1) I don’t like this coffee. a) It isn’t warm ________.

2) Nobody could move the piano. b) It’s not sweet _______.

3) I don’t wear this jacket in winter. c) It was ________ heavy.

4)I can’t eat the soup. d) It is ________ hot.

5) We can’t sit in the garden. e) He is not old _______.

6) He can’t drive a car. f) It’s not warm _______ outside.



Ответ дал: nevillzxc2008

I don’t like this coffee. b) It’s not sweet enough.

Nobody could move the piano. c) It was too heavy.

I don’t wear this jacket in winter. e) He is not old enough.

I can’t eat the soup. d) It is too hot.

We can’t sit in the garden. f) It’s not warm enough outside.

He can’t drive a car. a) It isn’t warm enough.

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