Task 2. Fill in: sip, landmarks, staff, freezing, intervals, thick, variety, main. 1. The... ..leave the restaurant at regular 2. Most people choose a hot 3. It's great to stay indoors and 4. The menu includes a wide 5. There are ice sculptures of the city's famous 6. The customers wear .to warm up and then come back in again. dish when they eat in the ice restaurant. hot chocolate when it's cold outside. of salads. coats and gloves because it is cold.​


Ответ дал: danaa1168a
1. The **staff** leave the restaurant at regular **intervals**.
2. Most people choose a hot **dish** when they eat in the ice restaurant.
3. It's great to stay indoors and **sip** hot chocolate when it's cold outside.
4. The menu includes a wide **variety** of salads.
5. There are ice sculptures of the city's famous **landmarks**.
6. The customers wear **thick** coats and gloves because it is **freezing**.
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