-10 sni 7 Complete the sentences with don't or doesn't. 1) You understand my idea. 2) Your brother ... often wash his car. 3) My parents... get up late on week-days. 4) I... buy a lot of sweets for my children. 5) Kate ... know the rules of this eat much for breakfast. 7) Her uncle game. 6) Carol and Pam want to go skating. 9) I... like to play wear jeans. 8) My sister and me expect you to follow my advice. 10) Little Johnny. alone. 11) The car engine ... work properly. 12) My classmates take part in this competition. 13) This article ... contain any useful information. 14) These apples ... look fresh. 15) Some people... like to travel by plane. ... 6. ... ... 102 ... помогите​



Ответ дал: fiaillyx


1) Don`t


3) don`t

4) don`t

5) doesn`t

6) don`t

7) doesn`t

8) don`t

9) don`t

10) doesn`t

11) doesn`t

12)  don`t

13) doesn`t

14) don`t

15) don`t


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