2. Make up questions using the Present Simple Tense and give true answers to them.

1) What time/you/usually/get up?

2) How/you/spend/your free time?

3) Who/cook/breakfast/for you?

4) How often/ you/visit/your/grandparents?

5) What TV programmes/your mother/like/to watch?​


Ответ дал: mizshu
Question: What time do you usually get up?
Answer: I usually get up at 7:00 AM.
Question: How do you spend your free time?
Answer: I enjoy reading books and going for walks in the park during my free time.
Question: Who cooks breakfast for you?
Answer: I usually cook my own breakfast.
Question: How often do you visit your grandparents?
Answer: I visit my grandparents once a month.
Question: What TV programmes does your mother like to watch?
Answer: My mother enjoys watching dramas and cooking shows on TV.
Ответ дал: sassjj
What time you usually get up? At seven o’clock
How you spend your free time? A usually watch TV
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