контроль письма англ:​



Ответ дал: userrrr90
1. The children were left to **run** wild all over the neighbourhood. The parents didn't know where they were or what they were doing.
2. Turn left at the **second** building. It's really old and neglected. You can't miss it. That's my street.
3. Many people live in this village as the **distance** to the capital doesn't take more than an hour. They can work in the city and live in the countryside without any problem.
4. I hope she thinks about the **ethics** of the company before accepting the job. They don't do anything to improve the working conditions of their staff or to help the environment.
5. Our class is going to **fundraise** for charity by selling cakes and cleaning cars in the neighbourhood. We're going to give the money we raise to people in need.
6. In a few years, we'll have more money and won't be living from **hand** to **mouth** like this. We'll be able to buy everything we want.

1. There are so many new **buildings** that the city looks completely different from a distance.
2. We had to move out of that house. The rooms were **damp** and extremely cold. It was making us ill.
3. If you practise what you **preach**, you'll make more of an impact.
4. You can't take any personal **items** into the exam. Only a pen and pencil.
5. Finally, she made a **breakthrough** by inventing a new type of medicine.

1. I don't know how Ellie manages to make ends meet on her salary.
2. Christine loves being the centre of **attention** when we go out.
3. I've been chosen to make a complaint to the travel agents on **behalf** of my whole class.
4. They are campaigning to save the **pedestrian** zone. The mayor wants to allow cars into the city centre again.
5. The house had no **running** water and **electricity** when they bought it, but they've worked hard and now it's a very comfortable place to live.
6. None of my friends bought me a birthday present, so I decided to **treat** myself to a new book.

Sam: Hi, Vicky. What are you doing?
Vicky: I'm trying **to open** these photos from Kate. I don't know what's wrong with my computer.
Sam: Don't waste time using that old computer. Why don't you **buy** a new one?
Vicky: I can't afford **to buy** a new computer. I'm a student, remember? **I'm studying** for the next exam.
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