Complete the sentences with a form of be, do or have.

1 Sorry we ........ late for the ceremony. Jason was really difficult and wouldn't get ready in time. Teenagers!
2 It is advisable to request a visit to a consultant if you ........... severe stomach pain for more than two weeks.
3 I've had a letter from the head teacher because Jane has
rude to her teachers
several times this month.
4 'The accounts should have been ........ by last Friday. What's happened?" 'We're .........
problems making the figures add up.'
5 While Vicki enjoys ...... time to relax at weekends,.
........ nothing isn't an option for
her husband, who wants to ..... all the time.
6 You paid $5,000 for that old car? But it isn't even worth $500. You've been .........!
7 He spends half his time reading newspapers and magazines. He calls it.
... research
for his thesis. I call it ......
8 That evening, instead of..... dinner at home, we decided to go to the little French restaurant in the next village.
9 The weather was truly awful - freezing with driving rain - but I had to go out as I ........ an appointment to Keep.
10 Montague felt very depressed when the firm went bankrupt and he lost his job in
Accounts. It was what he had ..all his life; he didn't know anything else.


Ответ дал: vovaparhomchyk30


1. Sorry we **were** late for the ceremony. Jason was really difficult and wouldn't get ready in time. Teenagers!

2. It is advisable to request a visit to a consultant if you **have had** severe stomach pain for more than two weeks.

3. I've had a letter from the head teacher because Jane **has been** rude to her teachers several times this month.

4. 'The accounts should have been **done** by last Friday. What's happened?' 'We're **having** problems making the figures add up.'

5. While Vicki enjoys **having** time to relax at weekends, **doing** nothing isn't an option for her husband, who wants to **be** active all the time.

6. You paid $5,000 for that old car? But it isn't even worth $500. You've been **had**!

7. He spends half his time reading newspapers and magazines. He calls it **doing** research for his thesis. I call it **being** lazy!

8. That evening, instead of **having** dinner at home, we decided to go to the little French restaurant in the next village.

9. The weather was truly awful - freezing with driving rain - but I had to go out as I **had** an appointment to keep.

10. Montague felt very depressed when the firm went bankrupt and he lost his job in Accounts. It was what he **had done** all his life; he didn't know anything else.

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